Nuke Scripts & Gizmos
Boost up your compositing skills with advanced Nuke setups and unconventional VFX approaches
Python Scripts
No need to pause the videos.
Download all the Python scripts used @ SPLIT THE DIFF.
Learn about the essentials of compositing incl. math, optics & more.

Math For Artists – Vol. 1 – (Nuke Compositing Online Course)
Split The Diff proudly presents the online course “Math For Artist – A Visual Dictionary For Compositors, Vol. 1”. “Compositing and Math live in the

Underwater Look With Curve & Hue Based Depth Treatment
When looking at underwater footage, you may have noticed that the deeper we dive, the more all the objects and surfaces get more of a

Nuke Timeout – EP08 – TimeBlur & The Right (Sub) Frame Of Mind
I noticed that sometimes artists get a bit confused about when to use it but even more important – when to use it in combination